It is important to choose the right pots for your plants. It's not just the design and material that matters, but also the size. Many people still think that the bigger the pot, the better for the plant, but this is often wrong.
Many plants grow much better if you don't give them too much space for their roots to develop, as this deprives the rest of the plant of valuable nutrients, meaning it doesn't have enough energy to develop its leaves and flowers.
By choosing a smaller but appropriate pot, you can ensure that the shoots are strengthened, sprout quickly and bloom quickly.
If you like the Greek style, you will be happy to see your beautifully growing plants and flowers in these pots, be it on a balcony, terrace or in your home or garden.
Size: 21 x 19.2 x 21.6 cm 6L 14 x 14 cm